作者: Jiawei Yang

关于 Feat 广告

Feat Ads是由feat.com开发的在线广告平台,广告主支付费用以向网页用户展示简短的广告、服务提供、产品清单或视频。

  • 广告格式:Feat Ads支持文本广告、展示广告。这些广告可以出现在feat.com页面上,以及由feat.com开发的其他相关产品上。
  • 定位:广告主可以根据关键词、人口统计信息、位置、兴趣和浏览行为定位他们的广告。这使得精确定位以达到正确的受众成为可能。


  1. 访问feat.com页面,在页面上找到标有“在此处投放广告”的按钮。例如,https://www.feat.com/zh-CN/dimzou
  2. 单击“在此处投放广告”按钮将弹出我们称之为“广告主”面板。在那里,您可以进行您的目标受众设置,并选择广告放置的具体位置。
  3. 一旦您确定了您的配置,平台将显示预算选项。在此时,您需要进行付款。
  4. 您的广告经过审核后,就可以开始接触您的目标受众了。



About Feat Ads

Feat Ads is an online advertising platform developed by feat.com, where advertisers pay to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users.

  1. Ad Formats: Feat Ads supports text ads, display ads. These ads can appear on feat.com pages, and other related products developed by feat.com.
  2. Targeting: Advertisers can target their ads based on keywords, demographics, location, interests, and browsing behavior. This allows for precise targeting to reach the right audience.

How to create an ad on feat.com

  1. Head over to pages on feat.com, where you’ll spot a button labeled “Advertise here.” . https://www.feat.com/en-US/dimzou for example.
  2. Clicking on that “advertise here” button will pop up what we call the “Advertiser” panel. In there, you can fine-tune your target audience settings and select the specific position for your ad placement.
  3. Once you’ve nailed down your configuration, the platform will display the budget options. At this point, you’ll need to make your payment.
  4. After your ad goes through the moderation process, it’s all set to start reaching out to your intended audience.

Advertiser edit panel